Concert Venue
White Hart Hotel, 12 Bridge Street, Andover, SP10 1BH

… where the music is melodic, easy listening and live
Talented professional performers! ….. Amazing sounds! ….. Top class entertainment!
Next Concert
Thursday 20 March 2025

This month’s guest performer is CHRIS STANBURY, a very talented artiste from Sutton in Surrey.
He first played for the Club at it’s previous venue in 2003, shortly after being spotted at a students’ event, prior to his enrolment on the electronic keyboard circuit. Since then, he has made tremendous progress to attain various prestigious musical qualifications from the London College of Music, including Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees.
Variety is one of the most exciting elements of a musician’s life and this has certainly proved to be the case for Chris. He says, “There’s no such thing as a typical week, which is why every engagement is special and unique. I might be touring for a few days and then straight into accompanying and teaching.”
He combines his successful performing career with that of a music examiner for the London College of Music and is a committed and passionate teacher. He is a key writer for many keyboard syllabuses and his examining involvement takes him all over the world, providing presentations and workshops to teachers and students.
Notable events have ranged from playing the organ at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, giving the world premiere of a jazz organ piece at the Royal Academy of Music, playing piano for several high profile corporate functions and various tours of the Far East, both as a solo performer and session musician.
In his concerts on the electronic keyboard circuit he always sets out to create a refreshing and enjoyable programme packed with variety, including big band music, songs from the shows, tributes to the 60s and 70s and classical masterpieces. More information about Chris can be found at
“Good luck with WEOS – local people are lucky to have this fantastic resource available in the area.” (Sir George Young, Bt.)
“You never fail to provide such great musical evenings and we really enjoyed the occasion.”
“The talented players who have performed for you have brought much pleasure to all of your many supporters.”